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Day 72: Supkhar (Kanha National Park) To Jabalpur

Mornings in forests are beautiful. And I am saying this after a sum total of 1 early morning in a jungle. Its an absolute delight. The freshness. The dew. The cold stinging air. The smoke from logs burnt to warm hands. And the smell of fresh tea being boiled.

My first view of the place I stayed the night was way better than what I had seen in the night.


First target – Get out of forest. Check. Second target. Get to Jabalpur. Check.

Now I had two choices. Make Jabalpur my base and head south. Or head north to Katni and then to Khajuraho (the site of the famous Kamasutra sculptures). Now you know why the choice was so difficult 😉 Well I still haven’t decided so don’t know which side it will swing.

I decided to head to a place recommended to me by someone. The National Fossil Park about 100 kilometers away. The name held promise but I was more than happy to have made the trip just for the road to the place. It was the first good road I had ridden on in weeks.

And what a road. Awesome twisties. Flat out blacktop. U-turns at 90. Footeg scrubbing stuff. One of the best stretches.



The National Fossil Park is a collection of tree fossils (no animals despite the dinos on the main gate). Interesting stuff if you are into that kind of stuff.




Saw what looked like a missile test. You can see the plume of smoke in the background.


Look ma. 90 kmph and no hands!


Published in Travel


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